Spring is on the way, so it’s time to shake off the funk of winter hibernation and finally shed the lingering legacy of Christmas excesses with some much needed exercise. Cycling is a great way to get fit, but if you live in London, it’s not always the safest bet. If only there was a way of getting all the benefits of a bike workout without running the gauntlet of city traffic…
Yeah OK, exercise bikes are nothing new, but Psycle is a new approach to the stationary bike workout which promises more than a run-of-the-mill spinning class. The premises on Mortimer Street are certainly a step up from the local leisure centre, and providing a top notch venue is one way Psycle hopes to increase that all-important motivation. Brit designers take centre stage; I Love Dust has provided the wall art, Barnaby & Day the furniture. Togs from Stella McCartney are sold alongside more established sportswear brands. Towels are by luxury beauty brand ila. Nutritionist Rhian Stephenson has worked with Purearth and Detox Kitchen on a range of specially selected food. Eventually though, you’ll have to do some exercise, but the programme by Olympic trainer Tim Weeks has been designed around 45 minute high intensity interval sessions that should whip you into shape in no time. The classes are accompanied by a carefully chosen motivational playlist, and crucially, the lights are turned down, so it’s not embarrassing if your level of fitness isn’t up to scratch at first. You can book your bike online and there are no membership fees, so really, there’s no excuses at all. Get pedalling!