Get in Touch

Get in Touch

Make our day, send us a message...


Got something you think we should shout about? We’re all ears. If you’ve got a press release or a story you reckon deserves a spot on We Heart, send it our way. We love discovering new things — whether that be latest design trends, a cool new brand, or something that’ll make us feel all cultured and informed. Just keep in mind, we get a ton of submissions, so we can’t promise we’ll feature everything. But if it catches our eye (or makes us spill our coffee in excitement), we’ll definitely give it the attention it deserves. Drop it over to [email protected] and we’ll take a look.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Got a brilliant idea that you think would make waves with our audience? We’re always up for exciting partnerships and collaborations with like-minded brands, creators, and innovators. Whether it’s co-creating content, sponsoring articles, or working together on a killer campaign, we’d love to hear what you’ve got in mind.

We’re all about teaming up for projects that feel fresh, authentic, and a bit out of the ordinary — so if you think you’re a good fit, drop us a line at [email protected] and let’s see if we can create some magic together.


If you’ve somehow stumbled upon something on our site that’s not up to snuff — maybe a typo, a broken link, or, God forbid, a fact we got wrong — firstly, congrats on paying more attention than us. Seriously, though, if you’ve got concerns, corrections, or just want to vent about why we haven’t covered your favourite artisanal sock brand yet, drop us a line at [email protected]. We’ll do our best to fix it while simultaneously blaming the error on lack of caffeine, Mercury in retrograde, or our inherent inability to adult.

Contributors and Writers

Fancy yourself a bit of a wordsmith? Got an eye for anything that makes life a little more interesting? We’re always on the lookout for fresh voices to contribute to We Heart. If you’ve got an idea for an article or want to join our merry band of writers, we’d love to hear from you. We’re particularly keen on stories that push boundaries, spotlight unique experiences, or offer a fresh perspective on the things that inspire us.

For more information email us on [email protected].

Event Invitations and Press Access

Hosting a launch, exhibition, or event that you think we’d love? We’re always interested in hearing about unique experiences and happenings in a whole host of niches and industries. If you’ve got an event or press preview that you think would be right up our alley, send the details our way.

Whether it’s an invite for us to cover your latest product launch or a behind-the-scenes look at something cool, we’re all ears. Just pop the info over to [email protected], and if it fits with what we’re about, we’ll see you there.
