Industrial-chic, it’s all the rage right now darling, don’t you know? As these (here, here and here) recently featured Dutch restaurants have shown – the barebones warehouse look is so terribly en vogue. But what if you haven’t got a spare disused warehouse lying around at your disposal? How to get the look? Well… brothers Kamiel and Martijn Blom have the answer.
What began as rooting around abandoned factories in the industrial ghost towns of the former DDR for the hell of it, has quickly turned into rooting around abandoned factories in the industrial ghost towns of the former DDR for their day job. Salvaging all manner of fixtures and fittings from industrial spaces deserted once the Berlin Wall had fallen in 1989, Blom & Blom carefully restore them in their Berlin and Amsterdam workshops – before selling to a public whose demand for all things industrial is at an all-time high.
Lighting, furniture and accessories, are painstakingly revived by the duo, and each sold with their own ‘passport’ documenting the very unique histories of each product. The industrial playgrounds laid to waste by the Soviet Union may well be forgotten, but Blom & Blom’s enthusiastic appetite for their curious interiors ensure that many of their features will live once again.