You’ll never guess what. Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien is co-founder of The Laundry, a newly-opened creative space in London Fields. Normally, that would be all the excuse we needed to go trawling through the band’s discography looking for song-title-laundry-pun opportunities. But that isn’t going to happen today, because all the gin was consumed last night, and when there is no gin for breakfast, shit gets serious.
Ed and entrepreneurial partner Raj Nayak have converted the 1960s commercial laundry in phases, beginning with music and arts workspaces and later adding a hospitality aspect. The Laundry Canteen & Bar is composed of a modern brasserie and cocktail bar open seven days a week, and extends the venue’s appeal to lunch meetings and evening drop-ins as well as those looking for somewhere to work on creative projects. Downstairs and The Laundry reveals another side to its game, with a 700-capacity performance area that has already hosted gigs by Hercules and Love Affair and Andrew WK; drama, fashion and photography events are also coming up soon.