Being children of the 1980s, any art collection containing a piece called Wonder Woman Bum was bound to make an impression, and we weren’t disappointed with the double impact of POW! POW!, curated from works by Lora Zombie and Sandra Chevrier.
The two artists though are more interested in the heroes of the comic book page rather than the TV and film adaptations that have taken the world by storm since Lynda Carter donned the spandex. In that less gratuitously violent time, the characters of Marvel and DC duked it out in fist fights with their foes, onomatopoeic sound effects ringing out through page-splitting lettering as each blow landed. In POW! POW!, young Russian street artist Lora Zombie puts the comic back in comic book with her tongue in cheek depictions of Batman and ‘Spidey’ – his Spider-senses don’t tingle for incoming bird shit apparently. Chevrier’s more serious Cages series melds female figures with heroic action to look at preconceptions of gender roles and feminine strength. The two have joined forces to exhibit at Phone Booth Gallery in Long Beach, California, until 11 September.

The Cage Against Injustice
Sandra Chevrier
“La Cage contre l’injustice”
Mixed Media on Paper
17×14 inches

The Cage Somewhere in the Explosion
Sandra Chevrier
“La Cage quelque part dans l’explosion”
Mixed Media on Paper
17×14 inches

Damaged Batman
Lora Zombie
Acrylic on Paper
22×30 inches (UF)

Wonder Woman Bum
Lora Zombie
Acrylic on Paper
20×14 inches (UF)

The Cage for Justice
Sandra Chevrier
“La Cage pour la justice”
Mixed Media on Canvas
15×30 inches

The Cage and the Fragility of Life
Sandra Chevrier
“La Cage dans la fragilité de la vie”
Mixed Media on Canvas
20×16 inches

Wonder Woman
Lora Zombie
Acrylic on Paper
20×14 inches (UF)

The Cage Who Failed
Sandra Chevrier
“La Cage et le fardaud d’avoir échoué”
Mixed Media on Paper
17×14 inches

Good Luck Spidey
Lora Zombie
Acrylic on Paper
24×18 inches (UF)

The Cage Without Fears
Sandra Chevrier
“La Cage sans craintes”
Mixed Media on Canvas
30×24 inches