Belgian fashion label Bellerose produces proudly utilitarian clothing, but the one thing they hate is uniformity, and that’s something that’s clear from the moment one enters their newly refurbished Brussels store.
Owner Patrick van Heurck decided he didn’t need an architect for this job, so he roped in his son Derek and away they went, creating a look which has chaos and strict order in equal measure. The highlights for us are the precisely-spaced cedar spines that clad the walls, and in some places the ceilings, and of course the children’s-wear department. As every parent knows, if you give a child a smuggled NASA prototype lunar exploration vehicle for Christmas, they will be playing with the box it came in within minutes.
The Bellerose cardboard box/installation looks like a giant hamster has chewed through and escaped, and this is such kid-nip that you could leave the little darlings there and do the rest of your shopping, get a mani-pedi, meet your friends for lunch and return before they’d even noticed you were gone. But don’t. The kids might be happy, the police wouldn’t. You terrible people.

Via: Petite Passport