A strange departure this, from three-Michelin starred restaurant to glorified burger joint. Perhaps chef Bruno Menard, the first chef of his standing to be permanently based in Singapore, got sick of the stress of Tokyo life. Perhaps he was made an offer he couldn’t refuse. Perhaps he’s having a mid-life cr… no, probably not.
Whatever the reason for the move, Singaporeans can now enjoy what must be one of the poshest burgers they’re ever likely to taste at &Made, where the emphasis is on the everyday with the gourmet twist you’d expect from such a kitchen whizz. The burgers take pride of place on a menu alongside some pretty nouveau alternatives – drinkable salad anyone?
The Stripe Collective were the designers involved, and there’s a lot of traditional French bistro in evidence, with some nice period-looking features such as the staircase and bannister, and the vintage scales perched on the old cabinet. However, their standout move is much more modern, utilising ceramics to produce dot matrix patterns, images and messages in black and white. Just a thought on the staircase message: we hope the staff have had training in the Heimlich manoeuver…