A bar called Bogart and not a film poster in sight. You could knock me down with a feather. The rather menacingly named Studio Omerta are responsible for this cliché-free refit in Athens, and while there are no obvious traces of Humph, there is something of the film noir menace of the Hollywood hardman’s persona in the air.
Yes, there’s something of the night about Bogart, and it’s not just the opening hours (9pm to 6am in case you’re wondering). The wood tables are dark, the chairs the same, the floor, the walls are covered with large panels of grey and black. Even the artwork is a bit unsettling. But cutting through the gloom are brighter moments, lavender wall and ceiling sections and a big disco-style light fitting help lift the mood considerably.
So if you’re wanting somewhere to meet your moll at 4am with the fake papers you got by blackmailing the crooked embassy clerk, look no further. Bogart is the answer.

Photography, Studio Paterakis