Aristotle walks into a bar, and the barmaid slaps him. Aristotle asks why. The barmaid replies that his view on the passivity of the female element in procreation is essentially misogynistic.
That’s the sort of joke that will get much funnier when you have sampled a good few options from the exclusively Greek menu of Think Beer, Athens. This beer hall has none of the slopped-floor grubbiness you sometimes find in such places, instead offering clean lines and modern décor, with nods to the past thanks to some lovely framed logos and artwork from yester-beer. Ahem.
Designer Minas Kosmidis has fused pine surfaces with metallic beams to create the interior character. The floor made of matching but varying sized boards, the café-style tables and the box shelving all combine to good effect. There is, of course, beer everywhere, which is never a bad thing.
There’s loads going on in Athens at the moment. Check out our related posts, including this sweet pâtisserie, and this decidedly hip hostel.

Photography, Ioanna Roufopoulou