In many ways the average piece of furniture clings to centuries-old traditions of form and function rather than reflecting how we actually live today. Not so a new collection of furniture by Italian designers Claudio Larcher, Filippo Protasoni, Simone Simonelli, Odone Marmi and Lilea Design – aka Clique Editions – which combines sleek pieces made from wood, Valchromat, and wood with a hidden electronic function.
Snaking around the nifty Rochetto table is a lengthy extension lead, the cable of which wraps around the table’s base when not in use and its socket slots into a slot on top for easy access. Perfect for an office reception area, round sofa Refill features a trio of side tables that wirelessly charge your smartphone while you wait. Mini-kitchen K combines an induction hob with a tablet dock and Echo marries a curvaceous marble bookcase with a detachable retro-style speaker. The two wildcards of the pack are Heatty, a marble fan heater enclosed in an elegant shell complete with hooks for warming your towels, and Cimmy a beautiful ultrasonic humidifier. Never have such practical items looked so good.

Clique Editions

Clique Editions

Clique Editions

Clique Editions

Clique Editions