Beijing artist Lin Jingjing‘s latest collection started with a journey – or rather it started with the end of a journey. It happened last year as she disembarked an aeroplane. Lin turned at the top of the access steps, only to see the plane rolling away down the tarmac, leaving her standing on the edge of a sudden drop, on a ladder leading nowhere, so to speak. Artists don’t let metaphorical incidents like that pass by without investigation, and the experience spurred her to think about China’s economic growth, and where it was taking her country, for good or bad.
What has the unprecedented growth meant to the people of China? Among Lin’s observations is the phenomena of the displaced migrant worker. Moving to the big cities where the jobs are, these important but unfortunate workers spend all year away from home until the Lunar New Year holidays, when they leave in a mass exodus back to their native provinces. Promise Again for the First Time is composed of paintings and mixed media work which is notable for its vivid multicolour interventions on grayscale images, picking out individuals with a seam-like border – perhaps asking if the people really belong in their surroundings, or if they have been removed from their context and stuck there like a piece of a collage. She also finds connection as well as isolation, as groups of figures are joined together in an almost architectural way. Hong Kong gallery de Sarthe is hosting the solo show from 4 April to 3 May.

Lin Jingjing
All I need is Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine
Mixed Media

Lin Jingjing
I Am Your Superman
Mixed Media

Lin Jingjing
(from My Promise for Your Happiness series)
Mixed Media

Lin Jingjing
My Promise for Your Happiness 2-9
Mixed Media

Lin Jingjing
My Promise for Your Happiness 2-9
Mixed Media

Lin Jingjing
My Promise for Your Happiness 2-9
Mixed Media

All images courtesy, de Sarthe Gallery
and the artist