We’re a bit uncomfortable featuring churches. All that queer religious stuff going on inside – the thought of them alone usually results in an hour or two of death metal (Deicide or Mayhem will do nicely, thanks) just to cleanse our souls. But – whether you believe or not, that Druids, Mayans and Egyptians were religious – since man could move objects, he’s built significant – and frequently astounding – temples to some form, or another, of a god. Vienna based architects COOP HIMMELB(L)AU remind us that to love a building, we need not necessarily love its purpose. And what a building it is too, recently unveiled in the small Austrian town of Hainburg, the protestant church, sanctuary and hall – named after the German theologian Martin Luther – sees shipbuilding technologies employed for the elegant roof; referencing Le Corbusier and his La Tourette monastery. The space below is impressive too. Light and airy, contemporary and stylish; it feels more like a cool little gallery space than a place of worship, and surely that’s a good thing?

Photography © Duccio Malagamba