As the year winds down and comes to an end; many take some time to reflect on what’s happened over the past 11—12 months or so in your work. Self-reflection and asking questions about the things that make you happy, and perhaps, not so happy, are part and parcel of the festive season, as a new year comes into sight. Tes, it’s all gone so fast again. Do you have job satisfaction? If not, now’s the time to address this issue.
It’s no secret that the previous two years have been challenging for all in different ways; however, a common theme has been a shift in the way individuals want to work, and how businesses can ensure the well-being of their staff. Career and job happiness have either thrived for people or quite the opposite.
If you’re in the group of people who dread Monday mornings, and feel like their job is sucking the life out of them; don’t worry, you’re not alone. Perhaps you feel like it’s the right time for a career or job change. You’re more than likely to be spending the majority of your week in your role, so it’s going to impact your health, happiness, and well-being greatly.
Whether you work from home, or in an in-person environment; your boss, industry professionals, and fellow colleagues will also be a huge part of your daily life. Therefore these things should all align with your inner fulfilment and peace of mind.
The following are some ideas, inspiration, and tips for those who are ready to take on the new year with fresh career plans, and who want more job satisfaction from their career for a successful work/life balance.

A Complete Change
Kicking things off with probably the most intimidating option; a complete change of career or job might seem like a huge challenge. However, it can often be the most rewarding to those willing to take the leap. Maybe you fell into your current job because you needed the money, and have been coasting ever since. Or, perhaps you always dreamed of something in particular, but have always been too worried about what the future may bring, not to mention; the financial climate.
While these are valid concerns and emotions; you don’t want to wake up at retirement age, having achieved nothing you felt you were truly capable of. Also, you can take this as your signal and sign to take the leap or chance, to make a positive change and achieve true job satisfaction.
Therefore, whether you want to retrain for a career in data science, study to become a teacher, or audition for that big theatre role; there’s no time like right now to do so! If you need fresh qualifications, there are ways and means to keep working and to study in your spare time. Or, you could take the festive period to work out some finances so that part-time work and study may be an option.
If it’s a case of an opportunity you’ve seen and love the look of, but just don’t have the confidence or feel you have any experience; remember that everyone has to begin somewhere. Gather all the skills you’ve already accumulated and could apply them to a new role. Explain your willingness to perhaps take a pay cut and start from the bottom, because that’s how passionate about the job you are.
Companies are looking for those they can teach and who care about the work they’re doing; they may pay for your training and education. You’ll never know if you don’t look.
Spend some time over your break, writing a list of your skills, attributes, and what you want out of a job role or new career path. Then, get looking for those opportunities; it’ll be an exciting way to begin a new year.

Getting That Promotion
Maybe you’re sitting reading this and thinking that you absolutely love your company and want to stay there (congratulations; there aren’t many who can say that), but you want that little bit more from your role. If you’ve been working hard for the past year, and even before that, have learnt the role inside and out, and feel like you could be doing more; it might be promotion time. The best case scenario is that promotion at work has become available, or you’ve heard on the grapevine that it’s becoming available.
Much like if you were looking to change your career or apply elsewhere for a job; it’s time to collate all of those attributes and skills in your CV. You already know that you can do the job, and take on more, and new, responsibilities; so, you need to get that all down in writing so that it can be communicated effectively.
There’s also no harm in bringing it to your manager, or boss’s attention, that you’re eager to learn more about the opportunity so that they have you in mind when the role officially becomes available. Also, Christmas parties are always a relaxed setting where the conversation may flow a little more freely. You should be mindful of who you’re speaking to about job satisfaction. You can always drop a few more hints as to why you’re the perfect candidate for a promotion.
In some cases, it may be that a company or business isn’t officially looking to promote. However, if your case is strong enough, and they don’t want to lose you as a dedicated employee; it could be worth asking to meet with whoever would be responsible for your step-up in the job.
A formal meeting, where you can go over your evidence and reasoning is a great way to bring it to their attention that you’re not only ready to be protected, but are more than deserving of the chance to shine further. It’s crucial that you have enough to back up what you’re telling them; go over all the extra things you’ve done, how you’ve shown initiative, and any plans you think you could implement that would benefit the company. Enthusiasm could just get you that promotion and pay rise, and ensure next year you continue to thrive.

Same Place, Different Role
Another scenario that many employees find themselves in, is when they enjoy their place of work and appreciate their colleagues. However, they just don’t love their particular job title or role within the business. Maybe you’ve been looking at what some of your co-workers do and feel like you’d be much better suited to their job and the daily tasks they carry out.
You’ll already have the experience and knowledge of the company you’re working for. So, you’re off to a great start! It might be worth discussing job satisfaction and a shift in roles with your manager or superior in an informal setting. This will help you can get an idea if it would be an option to change your role in the company, or not.
If you both feel like a job change within the environment in which you’re working, is a possibility; again, gather together all the reasons you’re qualified to move into a different job title so that you can present them in a formal setting.
Companies would always rather hire within a team, over going through the process of advertising and interviewing from outside, so make sure you take the chance, and you could get the opportunity you’ve been after.

Heading Out On Your Own
If you’ve sat at your desk day after day and week after week thinking about how you could run things a lot better, do a job with far more skill, or offer customers something they just don’t get from your current place of work; it might be time to leave and go it alone! Although it sounds extreme; you’ll have the right experience to be qualified, and you’ll more than likely have seen what is involved in a variety of aspects of running the business.
As long as you keep things ethical, and don’t poach any clients or investors; there’s no good reason you can’t begin to plan your own business so that becoming self-employed can be a reality in the new year.
A Simple Discussion
Lastly, it might just be one thing in particular that makes you dread heading into work every day. You might love the majority of your job; the work you do, the setting and environment, and your colleagues. However, often, if there’s one thing, small or significant, that bothers you regularly, it could be time to bring-it-up to those who an help.
It might be someone’s inappropriate comments or behaviour, the structure of your working day, or a lack of care in a particular department. Whatever it is, is worth taking to those who could help solve the issue so that your weeks are far brighter.
Whether it’s your manager, or the head of the company; they’ll probably appreciate the honest feedback, and will want to improve things just as much as you do. Very often, the longer things are left, the more they escalate, or they can seem more of a problem than they really are.
Therefore, don’t be afraid to have a simple and straightforward conversation with whoever needs to hear the information so that you can help them in helping you to find job satisfaction and happiness in your workplace.