Do you have a thing for posters? You do? Well then it’s your lucky day, because we have an exhibition for you that is so badass you’ll want to pull its pants down and give it a good spanking! Ooh. Over at Vienna’s MAK applied arts museum there is all the poster loveliness your eyes could wish to feast on as the venue hosts the not-so-snappily-titled but nevertheless very informatively-named 100 Best Posters 13, Germany Austria Switzerland, in which the 13 represents the year the selected works were produced.
An annual competition is held to find the top German-language graphic designers practising in the poster field, and the 100 that made the grade were chosen from nearly 1,700 submissions. An international panel of judges did the deliberating, eventually choosing 55 winners from Germany, 41 from Switzerland and four from Austria. The experts looked at the work with Marshall McLuhan’s 1967 book The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects in mind, seeking out techniques that massage the senses on differing levels of perception. An example is Austrian winner Pia Moana Scharler’s series communicating the University of Applied Arts’ NOWOW film screenings, which use various textiles as the media for her silkscreen designs. The exhibition will continue until 26 April; go on Tuesdays when admission is free.

MAK Exhibition View, 2014
Germany Austria Switzerland
MAK Works on Paper Room
© MAK/Georg Mayer

Studio: Francesco Ciccolella, Gerhard Jordan
The Essence 13
Project assignment at the University of Applied Arts Vienna,
Graphic Design class, supervision: Prof. Oliver Kartak, Katharina Uschan
Client: University of Applied Arts Vienna
Technique: offset printing
Printing House: Paul Gerin GmbH & Co KG, Wolkersdorf
© Francesco Ciccolella, Gerhard Jordan/100 Beste Plakate e. V.

Graphic Design: Thomas Kronbichler in collaboration
with Max Edelberg and Julian Koschwitz
Rosengarten Festa
Client: Ear We Are, Festival für improvisierte Musik, Biel
Technique: screen printing
© Thomas Kronbichler in collaboration with Max Edelberg
and Julian Koschwitz/100 Beste Plakate e. V.

Graphic Design: Pia Moana Scharler
NOWOW – Das Kino in der Mensa [NOWOW – Cinema in the Cafeteria]
From a series of five posters
Client: NOWOW – Das Kino in der Mensa, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Technique: screen printing on textile
Printed by Lucas Pressler
© Pia Moana Scharler/100 Beste Plakate e. V.

MAK Exhibition View, 2014
Germany Austria Switzerland
MAK Works on Paper Room
© MAK/Georg Mayer

Graphic Design: Mathis Pfäffli
Weltformat – Poster Design from Lucerne
Client: Verein Weltformat, Luzern
Technique: screen printing
Printing House: Serigraphie Uldry AG, Hinterkappelen/Bern
© Mathis Pfäffli/100 Beste Plakate e. V.

Studio: Fons Hickmann m23
Graphic Design: Raúl Kokott (Design), Björn Wolf (Art Direction), Fons Hickmann (Art Direction)
Putin we are watching you
Client: Amnesty International, Berlin
Technique: digital printing
© Fons Hickmann m23/100 Beste Plakate e. V.

MAK Exhibition Views, 2014
Germany Austria Switzerland
MAK Works on Paper Room
© MAK/Georg Mayer