Quietly strutting its stuff on a handsome street in Madrid’s Las Salesas barrio – propping up neighbouring Alonso Martinez and Chueca in the city’s cultural hub – Do is a congruously-named design store that has been Do-ing much for the area’s creative credentials since its launch a few autumn’s back. Founded by young creative Lucia Ruiz-Rivas, the Madrileña’s style is closely ingrained into the store’s ethos and aesthetic; when Ruiz-Rivas’ studies in Fine Arts and Fashion Design led her to a two-year stint in Helsinki, the Scandi-style soaked up is visible here in profusion.
Lucia’s entrepreneurial pluck too is evident in the store’s approach, keen for people to get back to Doing in Spain’s economic crisis, she Did – and now provides a platform for others to Do. Alongside fashion, interiors, stationery, magazines and accessories retail, the spot also serves as an art gallery and café – whether it’s as simple as coming in for a natter over coffee, collaborating on artistic endeavours, or taking the space over for a creatively-minded event, Do is a spawning ground for the city’s fertile creative scene.
Where countless concept stores call themselves just that, and parade their diversity with arrogance and self-conceived ‘edge’, Lucia Ruiz-Rivas’s Do keeps the script simple. Its calming interiors and carefully-considered stock do the talking, there’s no pretension nor elitism here. No noses are being looked down as you peruse their stock. There’s a strut to Do’s walk, but it’s of self-confidence, of a knowing that creativity and honesty is at its heart. Falling in love with Lucia’s concept is easy, dragging yourself out of its doors much harder – here’s to more creatives Doing just what she’s Done.

Photography courtesy, Do
This feature was produced as part of the #MustSeeMadrid trip, created and managed by iambassador in collaboration with Madrid Tourism. As ever, We Heart retains full editorial control of all its published work.