You’ll have heard the myth about the Great Wall of China being the only man-made object visible from space? Well we’re not saying this poster by the Snask creative team is quite that big, but it’s pretty bloody big. Big enough to need the photographer to go 30m in the air on a crane to fully capture it. The world’s biggest poster, according to Snask.
You’d be right in thinking that’s a lot of trouble to go to for a poster (the detail of which reminds us of another Scandinavian festival poster), but this is a special occasion. This year is the 30th anniversary of the Malmö Festival – Scandinavia’s biggest city festival – and so it was only proper that Snask pulled out all the stops. Of course, the poster wasn’t just dismantled after a few photographs. Instead, it is going to remain for the duration of the events as an interactive exhibit for festival-goers to climb over, explore, and even use to catch a quick nap on. Snark had its work cut out getting the massive poster ready; over four months, a 14-strong team beavered away using up 175 litres of paint and 10,000 nails along the way.