Answering a brief from Creative Review editor Patrick Burgoyne – to ‘do better’ than the official big-name artist designed Olympic posters – Kingston University student Josh King answered the brief with aplomb. It’s not surprising when you dig deeper into the body of this young creative’s work – sport is something close to King’s heart, and his ongoing project Par Fore sees him transform vandalised, derelict rooftops into free golf courses for the local community. It’s impressive stuff for a graphic design graduate, and – along with his fascinating sculptural pieces – puts him firmly into the realm of genuine artist.
As a fan of sport, and a hugely exciting young creative talent, Josh was the perfect candidate for our ongoing Create GB project…

Where’s your hometown, and where are you based now?
I’m from the wonderful town of Basingstoke, I studied in Kingston and now looking for a 4 bed flat in Battersea, if anyone reading is a landlord?
Do you think location affects creativity?
Location does affect creativity, but the people in that location probably affect it more.
Is Britain’s creative industry too London-centric?
I think so, It would be nice to travel to work without someone standing on my foot. It is however a very exciting place to be and I feel comfortable wearing silly hats and colourful shorts.
Has being British had an effect on your discipline?
Yep, A lot of my work is influenced by sport, British football is incredible! Growing up with a football attached to my foot and a passion for most sports has really helped my discipline.

The Swinging ’60s, punk, Hacienda-era Manchester… is there one period of intense British creativity that you’d like to have been a part of, and why?
The swinging ’60s! I think I would have fit right in.
Are there any quintessential British traditions that inform your work?
My dad used to be a welder and my grandad makes rifle targets, not so much a British tradition but they passed an element of craft to me which informs my work.
Where in Britain do you feel most inspired?
The top 3 British creatives who have inspired you?
David Hockney – his 1972 Munich Olympic poster is absolutely incredible! Not so much a creative but David Seaman, the best British goalkeeper of all time is my biggest inspiration… and Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean – he’s a genius.
Will you be watching the Olympics?
Of course! I can’t wait! As long as security don’t shut it down! It annoys me that the army and anti-aircraft guns have had to be brought in. In 1948 London hosted the first Olympics after the war and bought nations back together, it was risky but had to be done for the good of sport.

Which sport would you like to compete in at London 2012?
Diving! As long as I didn’t belly flop.
You couldn’t live without…
What makes you smile?
What doesn’t? Cheese doesn’t! It stinks!
The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given…
‘Don’t be a plum short of a melon man’.
Fish and chips, Cornish pasties… what’s your favourite British dish?
Obviously a roast dinner, but with lots of parsnips.
We’re going to the pub and we’re buying, what are you drinking?
Cider please.
What’s next for you?
I want to chill for a bit, enjoy the Olympics, have a not so sunny summer and then continue doing what ever it is I do now.