Spam calls are some of the most annoying things that we deal with in today’s world. They can be constant, and answering a spam call might even result in serious issues if you are targeted by a scammer. While it may be tempting to try to enact spam phone number revenge and scare scammers away from calling you, this isn’t typically the best idea.
Our article tells you more about how to handle spam calls and staying safe when avoiding spam and scam callers.

What Are Spam Calls?
Spam calls are repeated phone calls that are either conducted by a person who is trying to scam an individual or by auto diallers. The hope with a spam call is that an individual will pick up the phone and interact with the spam caller, eventually giving over their personal identifying information, their financial information, or sensitive details like their Social Security number.
Spam calls are unfortunately pervasive in today’s world, and it can be incredibly frustrating to receive multiple spam calls a day or deal with scammers who are repeatedly harassing you. That being said, there are ways to block spam callers and reduce your online presence so that you receive fewer spam calls.
Can I Take Revenge on a Spam Caller?
While it may seem tempting to try and take revenge on a spam caller by finding out who they are or by threatening them over the phone, this is not the best idea. A lot of the time, spam callers are automated, and you won’t even be talking to a real person.
If you are dealing with a scammer that has been repeatedly spam calling you, engaging with them may give them more time to run scams or to trick you into giving your identification and financial information.
The best way to handle spam and scam callers is to block them and not interact with them so they cannot access your personal information or financial details.
Can I Sign Up a Phone Number as Revenge?
It might seem funny to sign up a friend’s phone number for spam calls as a prank, or you may be upset with someone and want to sign up their phone number to spam and spam callers as a form of revenge. However, doing this can actually lead to serious legal consequences.
Signing up someone’s number and allowing them to be harassed or giving away someone’s personal information often has legal consequences in every state. If a person is able to track back the start of the harassment to your actions, you could face criminal actions and deal with serious issues in the future.
If you are having issues with someone to the point where you feel like you need to sign up their phone number for spam calls as revenge, you may need to speak with a close friend or family member to discuss your issues and potentially seek outside help.
If you are simply trying to prank a friend, you may want to engage in a prank that has less potential for future complications.
How Do I Block Spam Calls?
The best way to handle spam calls is to simply block the spam caller and refuse to interact with scammers who are constantly calling your phone. The more you answer your phone and interact with spammers and scammers, the more that these individuals will see you as a target who is willing to engage with them. This will only encourage them to harass you more, and it can result in you accidentally falling for a scam that you didn’t see coming.
Both Android phones and iPhones allow you to manually block numbers from your recent call lists. You can also use a reputable and legitimate app to screen suspected spam calls, and you should be checking the caller ID of calls you receive where you don’t recognize the caller. This will help you when it comes to accidentally answering spam calls and letting the spammer or scammer know that your phone number is active.
You can check your phone settings or research a forum for your specific phone type to determine how to block spam calls easily.
Keeping Spam Calls to a Minimum
Spam calls are an unfortunate reality in today’s world, but there is not a lot that we can do about spam calls except take steps to protect our information when online and block spam calls when they are received. The less you interact with spam and scam callers, the less of a target you’ll be, and you may receive fewer calls.
It’s important not to interact with spam callers, even if you feel angry at being harassed, as this may only make you a bigger target for scammers. If you are ever suspicious when on a phone call, make sure you use a reverse phone lookup tool like this to determine if the caller is safe to talk to.