Try Smoking CBD Flower

Photo, Elsa Olofsson.


Try Smoking CBD Flower

Don’t like the negative effects of marijuana? Try smoking CBD flower instead, its many health benefits may surprise you...

You don’t have to like getting high to enjoy cannabis anymore. Whatever your reasons, you can smoke CBD flowers instead if the intoxication offered by THC simply isn’t your thing. Learn what CBD flower is and why it’s the perfect solution if you want to experience all the benefits cannabis has to offer without getting high.

Try Smoking CBD Flower

Photo, Elsa Olofsson.

What Is CBD Flower?

This type of flower is cannabis that contains high concentrations of CBD and low concentrations of THC. While some strains of it can contain as much as 20-25% CBD, they must contain less than 0.3% THC by law, which is far too little to get you high. Instead of causing intoxication, the flower of CBD makes you feel mildly relaxed, and it’s sold widely online.

What Does It Do?

If it doesn’t do the same things as THC-rich cannabis flower, what does CBD flower do, exactly? Most users report that it makes them feel relaxed, reduces pain, and helps them get to sleep at night.

Does CBD Flower Get You High?

No, it will not get you high no matter which way you use it or how much of it you smoke. The cannabidiol compound itself is completely devoid of intoxicating properties, and the type of CBD you can buy online or in speciality stores doesn’t contain enough THC to cause even the slightest bit of intoxication. You can smoke this substance feeling safe in the knowledge that doing so will not make you feel high in any way.

Can it Make You Feel More Relaxed?

Yes, it is almost universally described as relaxing. Whether you’re feeling stressed out from a long day at work or you simply want to enjoy the profound health benefits of relaxation and meditation, CBD flower is a great tool for putting your mind at ease and letting your body unwind.

Try Smoking CBD Flower

Photo, Matt Moloney.

Does CBD Flower Help with Pain?

Since CBD interacts with both of the neuroreceptor families most critically involved in pain, it’s no wonder that people are using CBD for help with chronically painful conditions. CBD flower delivers this cannabinoid into your bloodstream faster than practically any other type of CBD product, contributing to its popularity among individuals seeking fast-acting natural therapies for chronic pain.

Does CBD Flower Help with Sleep?

Scientists are very interested to learn whether it is useful for insomnia, night-time anxiety, and related conditions. Preliminary clinical studies have been conducted on the subject, and CBD flower is undeniably a high-potency and convenient type of CBD product to keep by your bedside if you’re using this cannabinoid to help with sleep.

Benefits of CBD

CBD is just like the type of cannabis you already know about. It’s sticky, pungent, covered with crystals, and infused with potently medicinal terpenes. The one difference is that CBD flower contains less than 0.3% THC, so it won’t get you high.

Maybe getting high using THC is something you enjoy, just not all the time. Maybe you don’t like THC at all but still love the cannabis plant itself. Whatever your reason, this product is convenient, potent, and entirely intoxication-free while also offering the unique and impressive benefits of CBD.

Try Smoking CBD Flower

Photo, Testeur de CBD.

Best CBD Flower Products

Only certain products bring hemp buds to their true potential. To make sure you get the most out of your non-intoxicating cannabis experience, choose buds that were grown indoors using organic or sustainable practices.

Good CBD flower should contain at least 15% CBD and come with lab tests proving it doesn’t contain contaminants and includes less than 0.3% THC. Use customer reviews as the final factor helping you decide whether such a product is worth your time.

Buy CBD Online Today

It may still seem unreal that you can buy cannabis online and have it shipped to your door, but ready or not, the online marketplace is here to stay. Choose the right brand for your needs, and watch like magic as your aromatic, pungent cannabis buds appear at your door.

Included are all the pleasant, wanted aspects of the Cannabis sativa plant minus the intoxication that can be a dealbreaker for some users. If you don’t like getting high but don’t want to give up on cannabis either, CBD flower is the solution.