We’ve nothing against abstract art at We Heart, but sometimes it’s nice when the artist gives you a bit of a clue about what’s going on, as is the case with the title of Katharina Grosse’s new exhibition Two Younger Women Come in and Pull out a Table. Descriptive.
Explanatory the name might be, but that’s not to say that this collection is at all obvious; rather than expose the beauty in the mundane sounding situation of the title, Grosse’s work, while big, bold and ballsy, is still open to interpretation from plenty of different viewpoints. Her previous collection One Floor Up More Highly was of similarly impressive scale and equally as colourful, but on this occasion psychedelic landscapes have been replaced with latex spheres – resembling giant children’s marbles but representing bunches of grapes – which at four metres impressively fill the space around her canvas paintings in the cavernous De Pont Museum of Contemporary Art in Tilburg, The Netherlands.
This is one of those exhibitions which really is best viewed in person, with Grosse leading visitors through the space via a carefully unobstructed path, so if you’re going Dutch before 9th June make sure to roll by.

Two Younger Women Come And Pull In A Table, 2013
Installation views, photography by Peter Cox