The motto of hotel chain 25Hours is “You know one, you know none”, which we reckon would have Professor Saul Kripke scratching his beard in befuddlement, but thankfully the design philosophy of their latest branch in Zurich West is a lot easier to understand, although still visually complex.
The great minds behind this place are the team from Alfredo Häberli Design Development, who we last saw having had a hand in the Rotterdam outpost of our favourite footwear outlet Camper. At times resembling the set of a 1970s kids TV show, head honcho Häberli has clearly had lots of fun with this interior, although he cites it as his most challenging in a 20-year career.
Yes, fun is the philosophy here. At almost every turn there is something to make a guest smile. One of our favourite features of 25HHZW, as we like to call it, are the kaleidoscopic rugs, while the heraldic masks, slightly unreadable clocks and hidden art-nouveau-ish tree with its oddly-shaped birds also contribute to the upbeat mood. Colour us impressed.