Shrinking violet with a big voice? Love to perform but can’t stand the piercing eyes pointed in your direction? Goldsmiths graduate Yuki Uebo has fashioned a rather elaborate solution for all those son’s and heirs of a shyness that is criminally vulgar. Where Moz hid behind his freshly-plucked chrysanthemums, Uebo puts you inside a contraption that – whilst looking a bit like a Medieval-torture device – allows you to partake in the practice of Anonymous Singing.
Joining other projects, like Public Guitar and Public Baseball, Yuki Uebo’s invention/art-project may well appear a little convoluted on the surface, but there’s interesting ingredients of social design that unite the young designer’s work – ones that encourage public interaction and communication between strangers; essential factors in the growth and development of community that are so often, and so sadly, lost in this modern age.