Kyary Pamyu Pamyu by Steve Nakamura

JournalArt & Culture

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu by Steve Nakamura

the weird and wonderful world of Japan's premier Harajuku Girl...

If you’re not familiar with the impossibly pink world of the Harajuku Girl, try the below video of the subculture’s poster-girl icon, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (utterly contagious, if nothing else). It’s a particularly alien world of brightly coloured toys, insanely vivid clothing and… well, as a comment on the aforementioned YouTube clip goes… “my mum came in and I switched to porn, much easier to explain”. Precisely.

For the purpose of this post, you need only know that the poster-girl icon in question is ‘big in Japan’. Blogger/model/singer/entrepreneur, and all-round bundle of cutesy madness – the 19 year-old’s debut full-length album, Pamyu Pamyu Revolution, is set to be released at the end of May; and Steve Nakamura – the art director of its accompanying 60+ page photobook – has sent through some exclusive snaps for our bemused perusal. Thanks Steve, I think…

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu by Steve Nakamura Kyary Pamyu Pamyu by Steve Nakamura Kyary Pamyu Pamyu by Steve Nakamura Kyary Pamyu Pamyu by Steve Nakamura Kyary Pamyu Pamyu by Steve Nakamura Kyary Pamyu Pamyu by Steve Nakamura Kyary Pamyu Pamyu by Steve Nakamura Kyary Pamyu Pamyu by Steve Nakamura