Buying Your First Car

Photo, Jenny Ueberberg.


Buying Your First Car

Buying your first car? There are some important but often overlooked things you should know before making the decision...

It’s undoubtedly exciting buying your first car, whether your budget allows for a modern pocket-friendly model or a pre-loved car. That said, because there’s no doubt that you won’t want to find yourself in a less than suitable situation when the excitement wears off, it’s imperative to buy your first car with careful consideration.

And while you will need to consider vehicle reliability and other model details, costs and warranties, when shopping around for a suitable car, there are also several important things that you must know.

Important Things You Need To Know When Buying Your First Car

Photo, Jan Baborák.

The Importance Of Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is essential for all drivers. Even the most cautious and experienced drivers need this type of insurance. Because this insurance product can protect your pocket from unfortunate instances such as accidents, weather damage, and even theft. So, you should consider this cost when drafting your budget.

To find a reasonable estimated cost, you can use comparison platforms to compare the best auto insurance companies. Comparing different cover options means you can find the best deal and a policy that meets your unique needs.

Your Budget And The Costs Of Owning A Vehicle

One mistake that many car buyers make is assuming that because they have saved up enough money to afford the purchase price or have been offered a bank loan or financing that allows the purchase, they can afford to own the vehicle. Unfortunately, there are several costs beyond buying a car that is associated with owning a car.

These costs include things like maintenance services and the potential need for vehicle repairs. You may also require car shipping services. You can use a car shipping cost calculator to determine how much you’ll need to pay for delivery.

Important Things You Need To Know When Buying Your First Car

Photo, Tekton.

How To Maintain Your Car

You must also know the maintenance needs of a vehicle. And ensure that you can afford these costs when preparing to purchase your first car. Your budget won’t be accurate if you don’t know these costs. But beyond that, you will also end up neglecting maintenance, which means your vehicle’s value will plummet pretty quickly. Your car won’t last nearly as long as it should.

Available Financing Solutions

Lastly, it’s also important to know what your financing options are. If you have saved up enough money to purchase a vehicle in full, you won’t need to consider other options. However, if you have only saved up a deposit amount, you must apply for pre-approval when relying on vehicle financing or personal loan options.

More often than not, vehicle financing is more affordable in terms of interest than a personal loan. However, you also have car leasing as a suitable option. Compare these financing solutions to determine which is best for you.

Buying your first car is quite a landmark event. And with this, you must be sure you are purchasing with complete care. Vehicles are liabilities. And they are pretty costly. So, you must be aware of all the relevant costs that range from insurance and maintenance to fuel consumption and everything in between before making a purchase.