Mold Problems in Your Home or Building

Photo, Michael & Diane Weidner.


Mold Problems in Your Home or Building

Do you have mold problems in your home or building? It's time to hire specialist contractors. Learn more about what to expect...

If you are in the midst of a mold problem, it’s time to find out how you can solve it. Mold issues can include unwanted odours, health concerns, headaches and other problems. They often occur in attics, basements, crawl spaces, laundry rooms, and outside the home. The longer you let mold problems go unchecked, the more severe they will be. Before you contact mold repair contractors in Detroit, it’s important to understand why you have mold in the first place.

Mold Problems in the Home and Building; Hire Contractors Services

Photo, Siarhei Plashchynski.

Dark and Damp Areas: One of the most common mold problems is found with damp, dark areas that experience constant moisture. Mold can grow when there is not enough air circulation around the affected area. Dark, damp areas are ideal for molds to grow because the dark keeps the moisture contained and trapped. For example, mold growth around drywall can result in the entire wall becoming unhealthy and must be removed and destroyed. Other molds cause problems with walls and ceilings by causing leaks and structural damage.

Prevent Moisture and Mold: In order to prevent and solve mold problems in Detroit, it’s important to make sure that you take the following steps to prevent moisture and mold from invading your home. First, if the area you live in has never been flooded, your home is less likely to develop mold or other water-based issues. Mold is less likely to grow in areas where the amount of water has been low. For example, if the city doesn’t regularly flood its streets, the chances of developing damp, dark areas are less likely.

Hire Reputable Contractors: Next, it’s essential to hire reputable contractors that use high-quality, durable materials to finish your project. It’s vital to repair leaking roofs, attics, basements, ductwork, insulation, heating and cooling systems and windows. You can minimize mold problems by using quality products on all interior and exterior surfaces and by making sure that damp areas are properly sealed and repaired.

Thoroughly Research Your Contractor: Unfortunately, not all contractors are created equally when it comes to protecting your family and building. Many contractors are only concerned with their profits and will do whatever they can to ensure that you don’t find out about problems with mold exposure, damage, safety regulations or health problems. Unfortunately, this often means that they aren’t concerned with your health and are more interested in completing the job fast and efficiently. To prevent this problem, it’s essential to thoroughly research contractors in your area and to ask for references.

Role of Ventilation: Finally, it’s important to understand the role of ventilation as it relates to the overall health of your family and your buildings. Poor indoor air quality can result in respiratory problems like asthma and in turn can cause serious health problems like severe headaches, fatigue and other illnesses. Mold can even promote asthma and worsen existing conditions. In addition to proper ventilation, mold-proofing on exterior walls and basement floors can significantly reduce mold growth in indoor spaces.

So, what should you look for when you’re inspecting mold? First of all, it’s important to learn how mold grows. Most molds grow in humid environments that provide moisture and food for them. But some forms of mold can also grow in places that are usually dry such as on wood, drywall and under the carpet in your home. If you see any signs of mold growth in your home or building, inspect it for moisture and dampness.