Pablo Delgado — Even Less at Howard Griffin Gallery, London

Installation photography, Marcus Peel

LondonArt & Culture

It's the Little Things

Even Less is more for minimising Mexican street artist Pablo Delgado...

Cyclists dashing to work, mums driving their kids to school, and pedestrians with their eyes glued to their phones are just some of the people who won’t be enjoying the work of Mexican artist Pablo Delgado – not because it isn’t any good, but because they probably won’t see it in the first place. Delgado is a street artist who doesn’t believe bigger is better, and in fact the name of his new exhibition, Even Less, gives an immediate insight to his philosophy and style.

The drive to minimise, to reduce his work to the smallest expression, is at the heart of the show at Howard Griffin Gallery, London. Showcasing his work concurrently on the streets of the city, Delgado experiments with space in the gallery setting. He divides his work into two distinct areas – one for positive space and one for negative – and in his art, if we slow down and look closely enough, we find a collection of seemingly unrelated objects and figures that are repositioned to pose artistic-type questions about life through irony and metaphor. Even Less ends on 8 June.


Pablo Delgado — Even Less at Howard Griffin Gallery, London Pablo Delgado — Even Less at Howard Griffin Gallery, London Pablo Delgado — Even Less at Howard Griffin Gallery, London Pablo Delgado — Even Less at Howard Griffin Gallery, London Pablo Delgado — Even Less at Howard Griffin Gallery, London Pablo Delgado — Even Less at Howard Griffin Gallery, London Pablo Delgado — Even Less at Howard Griffin Gallery, London Pablo Delgado — Even Less at Howard Griffin Gallery, London Pablo Delgado — Even Less at Howard Griffin Gallery, London